+91 82641 21648

Fit Out Solution

From designing to implementation and from implementation to delivery and from delivery to maintaining.... with lots of join and jolts.... from variety amalgamation, we bring each step in very simple and most informative manner to you. In fit out solution we provide simple tools such as bar graph or charts to keep track on projects timing, budgeting and various other management measures. With our expert disciplinary in various fields provide most desirable result in each work in form of "3PID".

1. Planning

In this we extract the most desirable blue print of project. Our designing team provide pre implementing blue print on basis of your input and requirement. This may contain your Electrical drawings, HVAC drawings, Ceiling layouts, Furniture arrangement and other.


2. Preparation

Preparing the flow chart of project and assigning the stage wise work to multiple team and ensure proper utilization of the resource in stipulated period of time.


3. Procurement

This includes procuring right material that require to complete the projects. This could be furniture, raw wood, glass, electrical Item and other item which had been decided in previous 2P.


4. Implementation

It leads to right mixture of 3P? to get desired result. This is brilliant combination and coordination of entire team work in different field who are working for single goal.


5. Delivery

The most awaited part of the project is Delivering the blue print. Now we have make process very smooth with proper Documentation such as hand over site measurement in term of quantified and qualified , issuing warranty certificates of white good along with furniture.